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July 25, 2024

Aumni's brand identity

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How design shapes brand experiences 

Design shapes how we perceive and interact with brands. It guides the creation of brand interactions at every touchpoint and influences internal and external perceptions about the company. Good brand design correlates with business success.

Aumni’s brand has a unique visual identity—carefully crafted to evoke our commitment to data and insights that guide venture capital investors to feel more confident at every step in their journey on their path to successful investing.

Three design motifs in Aumni’s brand identity:

The dot and path motif:
Each dot represents a unique data point—a piece of information about the market, a company, or contract that on its own may be interesting, but when connected to other data points creates a world of contextual insights, making it easier for decision makers to action.
Topographical lines:
Topographical lines complement the dot and path motif, representing industry trends and the peaks and valleys of market dynamics. They evoke how helpful Aumni’s data is, like a map of challenging terrain that makes charting the path easier to do with precision.
Mountain imagery:
The mountain imagery you see in many of our marketing assets pays homage to Aumni’s unique heritage. Mountains are an intentional symbol of Aumni’s extensive experience providing helpful perspectives and guidance to clients of all sizes and skill levels.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why did Aumni update its visual identity?

Aumni updated its visual identity to better align with our mission and the value we provide to our clients. The new design evokes our commitment to delivering actionable insights and guiding clients through the venture capital landscape.

How will the new visual identity be used?

The new visual identity is being integrated across all of Aumni’s products, marketing materials, and communications to create a unified and recognizable brand presence.

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